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Laying a Foundation for Success

The body is an amazing machine. Whether it be a broken bone or an ankle sprain, it begins to heal itself from the moment an injury occurs. There are three basic phases of wound healing and our office focuses on helping you not only get out of pain, but stay out of pain.

The three basic stages of healing are:

I. Inflammation Phase:

This is the body's initial response to injury and is necessary for normal healing to occur, usually lasting 7-10 days. This is why it is necessary to keep all appointments for the first couple of weeks.

Controlling Inflammation: Most people assume that the body's natural inflammatory response to injury is harmful. A more accurate view is that it is actually a protective and necessary response required to set into motion a chain of events required for the body to heal.

II. Repair Phase:

Characterized by cell growth, production of extracellular matrix (collagen and proteoglycans) and new blood cells. This phase starts approximately 2 days after injury and lasts 6-8 weeks.

III. Remolding Phase:

Characterized by stregthened and improved tissue due to aligning of collagen fibers. This phase starts approximately 2 weeks post injury and can last up to 1-2 years.

With all that being said, chiropractic is much like building a house. You must lay a good foundation before putting up walls. When the walls are strong enough you can then build the roof. Chiropractic works on treating the cause of your pain and not the pain itself, unlike a pain pill which only works on reducing pain. We want to correct the issue that is causing the problem. Like the three phases of healing, there are three stages of care.

The three stages of care are:

I. Relief Care:

I. Relief Care:

If you are in pain when you come to our office, our goal is to get you out of pain as quickly as possible. In our office we use therapies along with the chiropractic adjustment to accomplish this. Depending on the severity of the underlying condition and how long you have been suffering, it is typical to see the doctors anywhere from 3-4 times a week for the first 2-4 weeks.
II. Corrective/Restorative Care:

II. Corrective/Restorative Care:

During the corrective phase of chiropractic care, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, which helps prevent further injury or pain. The goal of corrective or restorative chiropractic care is to help bring your body back to 100% functioning. It is typical to need chiropractic care or adjustments about 4-8 times per month for 3-6 months, depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem.
III.  Wellness Care:

III. Wellness Care:

Once your body has fully healed and you are no longer experiencing pain or other symptoms such as tightness or reduced range of motion, it is reccommended to come in for periodic chiropractic adjustments to avoid further problems in the future. Usually, this phase of chiropractic care only requires a visit to the chiropractor 1-2 times a month, based on your needs.